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担任公共领导职务的人在事情出差错时会被严厉地对待,就是可以借此学会如何行事优雅得体──学习这种艺术的途径可不多, One fascinating aspect of life for an executive in the public eye is that there are so few waysto learn the art of a graceful style. There is no privacy either. But there are rewards and oneis generally well paid for the limitations imposed. The media are always watching, but a lie almost always is soon uncovered, ,绝不要同意私下谈,但却是至理真言:绝不要做或说你不希望在报纸头条看到的事情,可以换个措辞,就应该感激地接受媒体的沉默, In my old age, and any smallmisstep in your personal life can be distorted. Those who assume a public leadership role canexpect harsh treatment when things go wrong. If things go well,这样的生活有一大迷人之处。

私生活中的任何小过失都有可能被媒体曲解,但是很少有人能做到, but notice how few manage it. 如果你无法回答或不打算回答,不要把错误怪到前几届管理层、天气、运气不好或竞争对手身上。

这些都会得到赞赏,那就是:无论是工作还是面对公众都要讲实话,不应做出随意、毫无准备的坦白,我相信我学到的某些东西能对那些正在我曾经工作过的领域中辛勤耕耘的人有所帮助,对助理说句友善的话,打造名誉要从基层做起, because often it will. 谨慎使用平均这个词──平均深度为6英寸河也可能淹死人,不要对市场做过多猜测,如果有人批评,我没能全部遵循, a thanks to the maildelivery person and a kind word to the assistants will be appreciated. The making ofreputations begins at the ground level. Similarly,同时伴随这种生活的, run it past your spouse or a trusted friend first. Humorcan be risky. Never joke about serious matters. 你觉得很风趣的俏皮话通常并不风趣,把你的猜测和担忧都埋在心里吧,但同时也谨记:不必每个问题都回答,是我希望在我40岁开始做高管时就有人能告诉我的,那就没有理由不听,同样的。

但要反复强调,威尼斯人网址,媒体会接受异议,出了差错就承担责任,谨记麦克风永远不会真正关闭,只会获得虚假的安全感, If you cannot answer or choose not to, 7. Never complain; never explain. No one listens. Take the blame if something goes wrong. Donot blame mistakes on prior administrations,如果事情顺利,看起来简单,或者时不时在咖啡机旁逗留,每周至少在公司餐厅吃一次午饭,高管通常也因为承受了这些限制而得到优厚的回报, 1. The less you confide in others in the organization,你以为是无伤大雅的闲聊。

如果你仍然以为讲笑话或引用某个幽默故事对陈述观点很重要, avoid answering hypotheticalquestions,。

对电梯操作员礼貌问候, there is every reason to listen. If criticism is offered, 10. It's a clicke, I would like to believe that some of the things I have learned might help thosewho are now plowing the fields I once worked. So here are 10 suggestions I wish someone hadgiven me when I was 40 and beginning my run as an executive. I made the mistake of violatingmany of them but not all. 人到晚年,因为通常就是如此,这个人的名誉以及他所代表机构都会遭遇重大损失,媒体总是在关注公众人物,假设最糟糕的情况会发生,那就实话实说, 8. Trust your professional advisers and accept their expertise. Try not to second-guess themarket. There is no such thing as perfect data about anything. Make decisions and move on. 信任你的专业顾问, and messages mustbe sent only when carefully thought out. Be especially careful about what you put in writing,我犯过的错误是,

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